What are the risks and causes of breast cancer

- What are the risks and causes of breast cancer ...?

Breast cancer is often triggered by recurring monthly cycling normal female hormones. The length of the fertile period, ie from the first period until menopause, is a risk factor. Early onset of menstruation (menarche) is one. A woman whose menopause occurred at 55 years had a significantly greater risk than a woman who menopauses in 45 years. Age at first completed pregnancy is also important: having completed the first pregnancy after age 30 years increased the risk compared with those who completed the first pregnancy before age 30. Likewise, women who become pregnant also have a higher risk. Breastfeeding also protects against breast cancer. Hormone replacement therapy increases breast cancer risk and this should be discussed before starting treatment.Between 5 to 10% of all breast cancers associated with genetic factors. BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes have been identified and may be associated with breast cancer occur in approximately half of all families with a very strong history of breast and / or ovarian cancer.
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